3 Legal Internship Tasks

Are you preparing for an internship at a top law firm this summer? Well, let's delve into some of the tasks you might encounter during your time there. These are all tasks which were set by the HR departments when I was an intern.

Write a Case Note

Firstly, you'll likely be tasked with drafting case notes, a common activity in legal practice. Unlike academic case summaries, these notes are client-focused, requiring you to distill complex legal issues into clear, concise summaries that are relevant to the client's needs. For instance, you may find yourself analysing recent court cases or legislative developments and assessing their implications for your client's interests.

Summarise a New or Upcoming Piece of Legislation

Additionally, you may be asked to prepare presentations on recent legislation or regulations affecting your firm's practice areas. These presentations typically involve explaining the legal context and practical implications of the changes to both clients and colleagues. It's an opportunity to develop your communication skills and demonstrate your understanding of legal concepts in a real-world context.

Supporting Your Firm’s ESG Commitments

Finally, you may be tasked with researching and presenting on your firm's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitments. This could involve examining the firm's sustainability policies, diversity initiatives, or corporate governance practices and identifying areas for improvement. It's a chance to engage with broader ethical and social issues within the legal profession.


Overall, an internship at a law firm offers valuable opportunities to apply your legal knowledge in a practical setting and develop key professional skills. While the tasks may vary, each presents an opportunity to gain hands-on experience and contribute to your firm's work.

For a more detailed explanation, check out my TikTok video here.